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Revision as of 23:16, 22 February 2010 by Sebastien Bailard (talk | contribs)
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This page is a development stub. Please enhance this page by adding information, cad files, nice big images, and well structured data!

Crystal Clear action run.png

Release status: unknown

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building a self-replicating Fab Lab.
CAD Models
External Link


The RepLab Project will make and document all of the fabrication machines in a Fab Lab. This will be similar be similar to and extend RepRap. Like RepRap, the machines will be mostly self-replicating.

Equipment and Projects


RepLab Working Group

Forum/Mailing List

Please note: The forum will have mailing list functionality by the end of the week.

Primary Considerations

Economic Model (Quick, to the Spreadsheet!)

  • How much does the machine cost to make?
  • What is the existing market for these machines? What machines are selling, and are they any good?
  • How much does this machine cost in the marketplace to buy? (Including a service contract).
  • How much does the machine cost to run? (Including 'machine operator' time).
  • What's the 'mental overhead' that the user/builder encounters by building your machine, rather than buying a machine with a known trackrecord from a salesperson and getting a service contract?
  • What's the worth of the parts the machine is making?
  • What are the opportunity costs you and the machine encounter by "making fasteners" rather than more specialized, higher worth components or objects? Like the spindle for a CNC mill, toys for your children, or a prosthetic leg.
  • Is it fun?
  • Visit a production workshop using one of these machines. What is their economic model?
  • Visit/websurf a hobby/cottage industry/academic technical workshop that uses one of these machines? What is their economic model?
  • If you build or buy a huge machine, does it take over your workshop and lifestyle?

Examples: 10'x18' CNC router, Bronze Foundry (for art bronze), Aluminum Foundry.


What is feasible to build? When do you want to buy rather than make?

  • Fasteners
  • Threaded rod.
  • Stepper Motor Controllers
  • Aluminum Billet
  • 3D printer
  • plasma cutter.
  • Small CNC router
  • Huge CNC router
  • Wooden hand plane