Mendel Variations/Catalyst

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Revision as of 05:19, 21 February 2010 by Sebastien Bailard (talk | contribs) (Photos and Drawings)
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This page is a development stub. Please enhance this page by adding information, cad files, nice big images, and well structured data!

Crystal Clear action run.png
Example Development

Release status: unknown

No image available.png
documenting a generic tool/artpiece
CAD Models
External Link

Create your new page by logging in, editing the URL of any wiki page, and then clicking "edit". Please use this page as a model, or copy. You can get the "mediawiki text" by clicking "edit" on this page.

This page represents an example development page and showcases many features that can be used in creating new development pages.

Working Notes. This is a stub!

Everything below this point is working notes.

Forum thread?


Description of tooling requirements.


What is making the part like?


This is a generic Widgit Banger! I (Mr. Bunny) made it because it's cool and Interesting but I use it to make Widgits. Share and Enjoy! (This page was made using the wiki page Example as a model.)

Other Pages

Mendel Molds

Entrepreneurship (Kits)

Mr. Bunny may have a cottage industry making and selling kits. He's also the developer. If you want to buy a kit, he's the best person to buy one from. And he's got a link to his paypal account on his homepage. (Listed in the user box above.)

Files and Parts

Sub Assemblies and Related

Generic/Daughter_part and CarrotStraightener. (As a gentle style recommendation, it's good to try to keep all your parts and files on the RepRap wiki rather than scattered around so that Library Staff and Volunteers don't have to write scripts and so on to get stuff back onto the wiki.)


Photos and Drawings

More examples