RepRapPro Huxley maintenance

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Revision as of 13:00, 30 December 2011 by Adrianbowyer (talk | contribs) (Uploading)
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| Introduction | Frame assembly | Y axis assembly | X axis assembly | Z axis assembly | Heated bed assembly |

| Extruder drive assembly | Hot end assembly | Wiring | Commissioning | Printing | Maintenance | Troubleshooting |

Uploading new firmware

The firmware is the computer program that resides in the microcontroller chip on the controller printed circuit board.

Required software

Get the Arduino IDE from here.

Add the Sanguino files to your Arduino hardware folder.

Git repository

Firmware source code is stored in the RepRapPro git repository. Copy this into your /sketchbook folder to make it visible within the Arduino IDE.



Launch the Arduino IDE, and open the firmware project: Sprinter.

Select the Sanguino board from the Tools | Board menu.

Ensure the serial port is ticked from the Tools | Serial port menu (the Huxley controller board must be physically connected to your computer with the USB cable at this stage, and the auto-reset jumper must be fitted to the board).

Upload your firmware.