Mondrian User Manual

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FoldaRap2 Documentation



Twin motors Y

Using a board with two Z terminal for an easy wiring (like on the Azteeg_X1 or Minitronics_10)

Original Sanguinololu pins :

#define Y_STEP_PIN         22
#define Y_DIR_PIN          23
#define Y_STOP_PIN         19
#define Z_STEP_PIN         3
#define Z_DIR_PIN          2
#define Z_STOP_PIN         20

So we just need to invert them :

#define Y_STEP_PIN         3 // 22
#define Y_DIR_PIN          2 // 23
#define Y_STOP_PIN         20 // 19
#define Z_STEP_PIN         22 // 3
#define Z_DIR_PIN          23 // 2
#define Z_STOP_PIN         19 // 20

don't forget the enable pins too (I don't know why but I had to disable the Z_enable_pin)

#define X_ENABLE_PIN       14
#define Y_ENABLE_PIN       26 // 14
#define Z_ENABLE_PIN       -1 // 26
#define E0_ENABLE_PIN       14


FoldaRap2 coreXY.jpgFoldaRap2 coreXYbis.jpg

  • Motor on the right, connected to the X driver
  • Motor on the left, connected to the Y driver
  • False, false for both