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This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
23:29, 11 May 2016 MainFrame1.png (file) 215 KB   1
23:35, 11 May 2016 MainFrame2.png (file) 227 KB   1
22:31, 14 October 2017 UNAL FDM ISO01.jpg (file) 3.47 MB Reverted to version as of 01:36, 6 May 2016 9
23:34, 14 October 2017 UNAL FDM ISO01.jpeg (file) 1.55 MB   2
22:14, 15 October 2017 EstrExplo.jpg (file) 118 KB Vista explosionada de la estructura principal 1
22:16, 15 October 2017 Isomet.jpg (file) 123 KB Vista ensamblada de la estructura principal 1
23:41, 15 October 2017 HBPEnsam.jpg (file) 105 KB Unidad de cama caliente 1
23:51, 15 October 2017 PatinLaminaFig.jpg (file) 76 KB Vista explosionada 1
23:52, 15 October 2017 PatinLamEns.jpg (file) 89 KB Patin ensamblado 1
23:55, 15 October 2017 BaseMovilFig.jpg (file) 145 KB Base movil sin patines 1
23:55, 15 October 2017 BaseMovF1.jpg (file) 143 KB Base movil con patines parcial 1
00:17, 16 October 2017 EjeZfig.jpg (file) 77 KB   1
00:19, 16 October 2017 EjeZEst.jpg (file) 115 KB Eje Z dentro de la estructura 1
00:21, 16 October 2017 BaseMovF2.jpg (file) 121 KB Acoplando la base movil 1
00:22, 16 October 2017 BaseMovF3.jpg (file) 136 KB Ensamblando la base movil completa 1
00:23, 16 October 2017 BaseMovF4.jpg (file) 138 KB Ensamblaje completo del Eje Z 1
00:34, 16 October 2017 MotorPartNEMA17Fig.jpg (file) 63 KB Soporte motor 1
00:35, 16 October 2017 SoporGiraXEnsam1.jpg (file) 110 KB Soporte giratorio 1
01:01, 16 October 2017 EjeYFig.jpg (file) 115 KB Eje Y General 1
01:04, 16 October 2017 EjeYEstr.jpg (file) 202 KB Ensamblaje Parcial 1
15:47, 16 October 2017 SoporGiraYEnsam.jpg (file) 88 KB Soporte giratorio para el eje Y 1
15:51, 16 October 2017 TensorCorreaYEnsam.jpg (file) 82 KB Tensor Y 1
15:53, 16 October 2017 TensarY.jpg (file) 142 KB Tension de correa en Y 1
16:01, 16 October 2017 EjXEnsam1.jpg (file) 128 KB Eje X Vista 1 1
16:01, 16 October 2017 EjXEnsam2.jpg (file) 105 KB Eje X vista 2 1
16:20, 16 October 2017 TensarCorreaX1.jpg (file) 116 KB Tensionado de la correa en X 1
16:21, 16 October 2017 TensarCorreaX2.jpg (file) 136 KB Tensionado en X 2 1
16:24, 16 October 2017 ExtrusorEnsam.jpg (file) 121 KB Extrusor 2
16:39, 16 October 2017 TransfExplo.jpg (file) 121 KB Vista explosionada del transfer 1
16:40, 16 October 2017 TransfEns.jpg (file) 136 KB Transfer ensamblado 1
17:03, 16 October 2017 Conjunto.png (file) 375 KB Conjutno son sistema transfer 1
17:05, 16 October 2017 EnsambleFinal.jpg (file) 1.47 MB Ensamblaje sin sistema transfer 1
17:17, 16 October 2017 RAMPSExploded.jpg (file) 171 KB Ramps 1 1
17:21, 16 October 2017 RAMPS14TOP.jpg (file) 162 KB Vista superior de las conexiones de la RAMPS 1
17:23, 16 October 2017 RAMPSFULL.jpg (file) 205 KB Conexiones completas para operaciĆ³n desde el PC 1