File list

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This special page shows all uploaded files.

File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
18:57, 1 May 2020 MPM printer.jpeg (file) 50 KB   1
09:18, 12 June 2020 QG MPM 3d Printer.jpeg (file) 263 KB Electrical Box Printer 1
09:23, 12 June 2020 Desktop Printer.jpeg (file) 199 KB Location Printer 1
09:24, 12 June 2020 Belt to Y.jpeg (file) 173 KB Axis Y Belt 1
09:25, 12 June 2020 Plate and Axis Z.jpeg (file) 157 KB Plate and axis Z 1
09:26, 12 June 2020 Catenary Z.jpeg (file) 174 KB   1
09:28, 12 June 2020 Double Extruder motor .jpg (file) 205 KB   1
09:28, 12 June 2020 Led for Ilumination Axis.jpg (file) 163 KB   1
09:29, 12 June 2020 Axis X.jpg (file) 157 KB   1
09:30, 12 June 2020 Axis X and extruder.jpg (file) 199 KB   1
09:30, 12 June 2020 Support filament.jpg (file) 167 KB   1
09:31, 12 June 2020 CPU Arduino Due.jpg (file) 244 KB   1
09:31, 12 June 2020 Web server Raspberry Pi 3.jpg (file) 197 KB   1
09:31, 12 June 2020 Fan.jpg (file) 210 KB   1
09:32, 12 June 2020 Power Supply.jpg (file) 203 KB   1
09:33, 12 June 2020 Switch Sonff.jpg (file) 125 KB   1